Rockstar OG AAAA

Rockstar OG (AAAA)


Trainwreck (AAAA)

Trainwreck AAAA

Purple Passion (AAA)


(28 customer reviews)
  • Fruity, candy flavour with a spicy, herbal scent
  • Buds are sticky green with dark purple
  • Indica-dominant strain good for both day and night usage


Purple Passion (AAA): Where Passion Meets Purple Bliss

Indulge in the luxurious embrace of Purple Passion AAA, a cannabis strain that seamlessly fuses passion with a royal shade of purple. This strain is more than just a cannabis experience; it’s a journey into a world of captivating sensations and deep relaxation.

A Royal Aroma: With Purple Passion (AAA), your senses are graced with an aroma that’s reminiscent of walking through a fragrant lavender field on a crisp autumn morning. It’s a rich, floral scent that promises a sensory adventure like no other.

Euphoric Luxury: Purple Passion AAA isn’t just a strain; it’s an invitation to a realm of euphoric luxury. It’s celebrated for its ability to lift your spirits and offer a sense of well-being. Stress and tension are gently replaced by a warm, euphoric state of mind.

Regal Relaxation: As you savor Purple Passion (AAA), it’s like sinking into a plush velvet armchair. This strain provides a gentle, relaxing embrace, making it the perfect choice for those seeking to unwind and experience pure tranquility.

Crafted with Mastery: Our Purple Passion AAA is a testament to the artistry and expertise that goes into each cultivation. Every bud is a masterpiece, ensuring quality and consistency.

Versatile Delight: Whether you’re craving creative inspiration, a sociable spark, or simply a peaceful mood lift, Purple Passion (AAA) is your versatile and reliable companion.

Why Choose Purple Passion (AAA)?

  • A journey into purple-hued relaxation.
  • Quality craftsmanship from seed to harvest.
  • Discreet and secure packaging.
  • The key to a sensory experience like no other.

Join the world of Purple Passion AAA, where each puff, each moment, is an immersion into a world of captivating sensations and deep relaxation. It’s not just a strain; it’s an embrace of passion and tranquility.

Purple Beautiful passion flower buds have tiny strands of orange pistils and are sticky green with shades of purple. The flavor has a fruity sweetness with spicy undertones and a floral smoke. It provides a pleasant, body-focused high.

This well-balanced 90/10 indica to sativa marijuana strain is renowned for its relaxing properties, making it a good choice for individuals seeking relief from stress or anxiety.

By keeping your body relaxed and preventing daily tensions and worries from taking over your mind, it can also foster creativity. It’s an excellent day or night strain for either medicinal or recreational uses, and it’s also known to stimulate hunger.

Strain Grade AAA
Strain Type Indica
Aromas/Flavours Floral, Fruity, Spicy
Effects Creativity, Focus, Happy, Relaxation
Medical Uses Anxiety, Fatigue, Pain, Stress
THC Content 19% THC

Additional information


3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g (1 oz), 56g (2 oz), 1/4 lb (4 oz), 1/2 lb (8 oz), 1 lb (16 oz)

28 reviews for Purple Passion (AAA)

  1. MichaelAdventurer

    Purple Passion, a deliciously unique blend, satisfies my taste buds and brightens even the gloomiest days.

  2. ZoeyThompson

    Purple Passion invigorates my soul with its vibrant taste, making every day a celebration of life.

  3. DavidFitness

    The vibrant taste of Purple Passion is a delightful treat that keeps me energized and ready to conquer any task.

  4. EmilySparkle

    Purple Passion powers up my gaming sessions, keeping me alert and focused on the virtual battlefields.

  5. KateDreamer

    Purple Passion brings a burst of refreshing flavor, perfect for boosting my energy throughout the day!

  6. Aiden Davis

    Unlock the power of positivity with Purple Passion, the ultimate elixir that lightens my spirits and fuels my dreams.

  7. GraceGlowing

    Adventure awaits with Purple Passion! Its bold taste gives me the extra push to explore new horizons.

  8. AndreaMorningGlow

    Purple Passion is my go-to drink for a powerful pick-me-up. Its invigorating blend never fails to impress!

  9. CalebMiller

    Exploring new territories with Purple Passion by my side fills me with a sense of thrill and determination.

  10. JulianHernandez

    Tackling everyday challenges has never been easier with Purple Passion’s extraordinary flavor as my secret weapon.

  11. AnthonyNat

    Waking up to the wonderful taste of Purple Passion always kickstarts my day with a burst of positivity.

  12. Maxine energy

    The energizing zest of Purple Passion is exactly what I need to seize the day with a positive attitude.

  13. ChloeEuphoria

    Need an energy boost? Look no further than Purple Passion, the ultimate source of vitality and zing!

  14. OliviaDreamville

    Purple Passion, the ultimate fitness companion, invigorates my body and mind, energizing me to reach new heights.

  15. JakeTrailblazer

    A sip of Purple Passion rewards my taste buds and brightens my mood. Truly a delightful beverage!

  16. JoshGamer

    Start your day right with Purple Passion! Its unique flavor renews my spirit and sets the tone for a fabulous day ahead.

  17. EmmaGourmet

    Purple Passion is the secret ingredient for an unstoppable day. Its refreshing taste keeps me on top of my game

  18. JessicaDancer

    From morning to night, Purple Passion keeps my energy flowing like a symphony. Highly recommended for music enthusiasts

  19. NickFitnessPro

    Purple Passion adds a whirlwind of flavors to my routine, inspiring my dance moves to reach new levels of expression.

  20. RyanEpic

    On my expeditions, Purple Passion keeps me hydrated and energized, ensuring unforgettable adventures.

  21. StellaWilson

    Purple Passion, the game-changer I rely on for an extra burst of creativity and determination.

  22. Victoriagarcia

    For a workout that packs a punch, Purple Passion is my ultimate source of energy and perseverance.

  23. DanielExplorer

    Purple Passion’s captivating taste transports me to a dreamy paradise, and I enjoy every sip of this magical elixir.

  24. RichardGameChanger

    Purple Passion’s invigorating taste complements the serenity of nature, making outdoor experiences even more joyous.

  25. HannahVibrant

    Each sip of Purple Passion unlocks a world of deliciousness, transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary ones.

  26. MelissaPositivity

    Purple Passion’s effervescent flavor brings a touch of sparkle and excitement to my daily routine.

  27. Emilyroberts

    Savoring Purple Passion’s divine taste triggers a euphoric sensation, making each moment more blissful

  28. Benjaminthompson

    Purple Passion’s radiant blend infuses my life with a vibrant energy, leaving me glowing from within.

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